Scholarships And Financial Aid For Single Parents Pursuing College In Houston – Going to college is difficult for any student, but single parents face special challenges as they have to care for their children while continuing their education. Furthermore, financial constraints often make it more difficult for single parents to obtain a degree. Paying for college and getting the financial aid you need to earn your degree can make a big difference by increasing your income, opening up career opportunities, and creating a better life for yourself and your children.
The purpose of this scholarship is to support low-income single parents in higher education (including technical programs, two-year college degrees, and four-year college degrees) while raising their children in their own homes.
Scholarships And Financial Aid For Single Parents Pursuing College In Houston
To apply, please tell us about your field of study at school, the difficulties you overcame while attending school as a single parent, and your plans and goals after graduation.
Jasper Co Area Go Texan
Lisa Milburn University of Maryland Global Campus Loveville, Md. Arellano University of Texas Arlington San Antonio, TX Kara Hohler Milwaukee Area Technical College Waukesha, WISmin Brantley University of Phoenix-Georgia Ridgeland, SC
Lorraine Brucksleber College Quincy, Houston-Downtown Macindi Truong University of Houston, TX France Petersen Culinary Institute of America Santa Rosa, Catellor Miller Saint Anthony College of Nursing Leaf River, ILmalicia hassanConcorde Career College-San Valley AAP, CAAN Valley, C.A Stro W California State University-Channel Islands Moorpark, Calioni Laura Perez University of Central Oklahoma Model City, OK
Dear Scholarship Committee, As a single mother working toward a bachelor’s degree in nursing while raising a young daughter, I understand firsthand the unique challenges of pursuing higher education as a single parent. It hasn’t been easy, but I’m proud of how far we’ve come. Just five and a half years ago, I was in a very difficult situation, struggling with addiction and an abusive relationship. I knew I had to change. I sobered up, broke up and moved back to New York to be closer to my family. Living in poverty and overcoming addiction were very difficult obstacles, but I persevered. I enrolled in a community college and began working bit by bit towards my degree requirements. Juggling school, work, and parenting can be exhausting at times, but I am determined to succeed. As a single mom, obstacles I overcame while going to school included lack of childcare, lack of financial support, maintaining a job while taking classes, and finding time to study while taking care of my daughter alone. As a fibromyalgia sufferer, juggling school, work, parenting, and health and wellness has been incredibly difficult. But whatever obstacles I have faced so far, I am determined to overcome them. I am more than halfway through my RN degree with the goal of earning my master’s degree and becoming a family medicine nurse. As a nurse, I want to provide compassionate care and be a positive role model for my daughter and others who are struggling. My experience gives me a unique perspective that I believe can connect and improve patients. We plan to provide a holistic medical approach that treats the whole patient, not just the disease they are currently suffering from. Like many others, my addiction started with prescription drugs, so my goal is to embrace and introduce alternative medicine to my patients, targeting holistic health rather than just a bunch of drugs. The scholarship will help ease the financial burden of completing my studies as a single parent. This has allowed me to reduce my work hours and spend more quality time with my daughter. I know that with your support, I can achieve my dream of becoming a nurse and build a stable, loving home for my family. Thank you for considering my application. Sincerely, Tina Wiedergren
I was blessed with a daughter in February 2019 and was double majoring in marketing and biochemistry in my last semester of college with hopes of going to PA or medical school. A career in healthcare was always my plan A and B, there was no other option. I envisioned that at age 27, I would either be a physician’s assistant or begin my final year of medical school. But life doesn’t always go as planned. We understand that life’s path is not linear, and that your dreams and goals are not delayed or denied. As I reach the age of 27, I reflect on how my dreams and goals are changing from pragmatism to idealism. I am a single mother raising a beautiful three year old daughter. I am currently enrolled in nursing school and working two jobs. One of them is working as a nurse’s aide, which prepares you for a career as a nurse. Most of my income goes towards bills and allows my daughter to participate in extracurricular activities like gymnastics. I sacrifice whatever it takes to make sure my daughter has everything she wants. I’m going to recycle three pairs of stockings and wear them all week. I’m going to wear Adidas size 6 which no longer fits. I would wear Nike work shoes with holes in them. Put on your bleached blue patch, smile and get to work because you know everything has a purpose. So my daughter can wear nice clothes, take gymnastics lessons and enjoy life without a wish. I am dedicated and motivated enough to finish nursing school and graduate at the top of her class. For me, nursing school is about serving people and the community beyond caring for my daughter. Patient care is my interest in the field of medicine and nursing. I love direct patient care. You can help people in different stages of life. On my best days and on my weakest days. When I became a nurse, my goal was to respect all voices and advocate for patients. I say my morning mantra at the start of every shift: “Compassion and kindness never fade. They always make a difference, blessing those who take and blessing those who give.” It sets the tone and intention for the day, putting you in the right frame of mind to not only serve but care for your patients. This scholarship will help me further my education to change the lives of each patient, one patient at a time. Firstly, I would like to thank the committee for giving me the opportunity to apply for this scholarship. Most single mothers have no resources other than loans to help finance their education. These scholarships can make it easier for you to graduate and reduce your student loan debt. If I become a nurse, will it help me and my daughter to start a new life, and I will be able to take care of them as much as I can without any difficulty.
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Winner will be announced publicly on January 6, 2024. Shortlisted candidates may be contacted with any further queries regarding their application before the announcement date. We will work with donors to review all applications against our scholarship criteria. Winners will be selected based on the value of their entries.
Prize checks will be mailed to the financial aid office of the winner’s academic institution for tuition and fees (subject to school requirements). If the award is for eligible educational expenses other than tuition, we will work directly with the winner to disburse the award and ensure that it is used for eligible expenses.
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Prior to awarding the scholarship, winners must verify their academic enrollment status. Depending on the situation, verification of your student ID and/or recent transcripts may be required.
If you have any questions about this scholarship or the platform, please email us at contact@ and we will reply as soon as possible. Texas prides itself on big things. Scholarships in Texas follow this trend, with a variety of opportunities offered by the state, community, business and industry.
If you’re just starting your search, read our step-by-step guide to finding trade school scholarships. This article covers some important first steps, such as applying for a federal Pell Grant, filling out and identifying the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the federal form that determines eligibility for grants, loans, and work-study programs. The exception is if your preferred trade school or community college is accredited. This article contains a frequently updated list of national scholarships and a scholarship page.
The secret to a successful search is finding a variety of helpful sources.